Introduction | Definitions | Level 4 Assessing | Level 4 uScope | Games Resolution | GPM Charts | Ideal Scenes | Goals Clearance | Start Lists | Alt 4 tech |Level 5 long from (list of questions) | Fresh Reality (Havingness) | uScope (main app) |

TROM Tech, A Work Website
This site is intended to be a way to exchange data about developing a better procedure for running TROM.
It is not intended for public viewing nor is it to be shared with anyone without expressed  permission from webmaster, Rolf Dane.

Working title:

Scope of Life
('Scope' for short)

or SuperTrom


The following is a procedure for running TROM, levels 4 and 5.
TROM stands for "The Resolution of Mind." It is published in a book written by Dennis H. Stephens. The full title is "The Resolution of Mind - a Games Manual." The book was first published in 1979. The final edition was published  and put in public domain in 1994, shortly before Dennis Stephens died at the age of 67. Dennis was an English therapist who originally was educated in dianetics and scientology and practiced this in the 1950s and 60s and into the 1970s. In 1957 Mr. Stephens moved to Sidney, Australia. Around 1966 he started to develop a self-help system that became TROM. It was envisioned as a self-improvement therapy that could be learned from the book and then the reader could work it on a "do it yourself" basis.

The present materials are to a large extent based on Dennis Stephens' philosophy and findings. However, the assumption behind the present materials and procedures is that this do-it-yourself approach is only successful for a tiny percentage of persons. It seems that the people that may have succeeded came with a solid background in other self improvement methods. The TROM manual lacked practical advice and instructions which made the subject even harder on students.

The ambition of the present materials is, to lay out a detailed procedure that a professional can administer to a client or student.
Another workable set-up is that two students study the materials and then exchange services, taking turns as tutor/practitioner on the one side and student/client on the other.
To do it entirely solo is not advised. Even though the present materials give more structure and a step by step procedure, it is very hard on a person to try to tackle the theory and at the same time deal with the reactions and emotions that are unleached by the procedure.
The ideal scene would be that there were given seminars in the subject; that the sevices also were available from professionals for those who preferred that; and that the seminar training would lead to the formation of duo teams where seminar graduates could exchange services.

In the original TROM manual there are 5 levels. Level 1 consisted of so-called objective processes delivered by a professional. The objective processes are not in the TROM manual; they were simply recommended as a preparation for the next levels. Level 2 and 3 consisted of methods of dealing with charged incidents. The level 3  method is called Time Breaking. We have found that there are better methods to accomplish an effective discharge of incidents. Therefore the present materials start at level 4. A short description of levels 4 and 5 follows below.

Level 4 deals in sorting out overwhelms of basic goals and purposes.
It is a maxim of TROM that all traumatic and stressful incidents are traumatic or stressfull due to an overwhelm of a Life Goal. On TROM Level 4, overwhelms are split up into 8 classes. 4 of these classes are Self being overwhelmed while the other 4 classes are Self overwhelming another. Any type of overwhelm belongs to one of these classes.
On level 4 one starts with finding a charged life goal; then incidents containing overwhelms of that goal are found. These incidents are discharged as you go along, using a special technique for discharging incidents. The original technique is called Time Breaking. In the present materials we introduce a technique called Games Resolution by Identities (GRID).

In games playing, which is the subject of level 5, an overwhelm is seen as a lost game. At the core of losing is the person's own postulate of giving up, of being in shock, of postulating something that will haunt him/her later. "I have lost," "I cannot go on," "they are too strong for me," etc., etc., are all statements typical for an overwhelm- and loss situation. So at level 4, we take some of the edges off of what is being run on level 5, the full gamut of games playing.

Level 5 is based on the Games Play Matrix Chart (postulate failure cycle chart.)
The chart shows how a basic purpose or goal fares over time. First the goal is a clear cut statement, such as "to know" or "to create." As things move forward, the goal gets opposed and a less ambitios substitute is adopted. The chart shows 16 states a goal goes through. It shows how the goal interplays with compementary and opposing goals and postulates from other players. Dennis Stephens' tenet, is that these 16 levels are native to life and works quite machanically. In other words, these polarities and conflicts will come about sooner or later for any player pursuing a cetain goal--and in all the possible games of life.
The GPM chart shows all the possible constallations of complementary and conflicting situations of a certain life-goal. It shows, in schematic form, all possible games of life.
One could say, it shows all the possible vectors of a certain goal.
Each constellation, each type of conflict or situation, may appear many times on a person's history through many lifetimes.. On level 5, such situations are contacted and the charge is inspected and dissipated and fully resolved.
Doing this, the person's ability to play the games of life is increased. It is taken from often obsessive games playing - or an unwillingness to play - to a state of voluntary or self-determined games playing.
The ultimate goal of TROM is to rise above the levels of games playing to what Denis Stephens calls Niravana or eternal bliss.

Basic Goal: This is a central concept in TROM. The basic goal, according to TROM, is To Know. All life has the goal To Be which in terms of the To Know package is expressed as To Be Known.
All life and life forms want to make self known to the environment. This is true for a person, an animal, a plant, and  even on a celular level. A certain life form wants to create a certain effect. This is contained in the goal To Be Known, to make a certain effect or form known.


Ralph: Cause is the action of bringing an effect into existence, taking an effect out of existence, knowing, or not-knowing. That which is brought into existence, taken out of existence, known, or not-known is called an effect.

Life Goals: these are goals people live by. They are pro-survival goals that have a dominant role in a person's life.
The TROM manual lists the following life goals: to Create, to Love, to Admire, to Enhance, to Help, to Feel, to Control, to Own, to Have, to Free, to Eat, to Sex (as a verb = to have sex), to Reason, to See, to Hear, to Touch, to Smell, to Taste.
There are many others. According to TROM these life goals (or junior goals) are in the final analysis contained in the To Know goals package. E.g. to Create is a way to Be Known.

From Ralph:

Include in basic goal
Cause is the action of bringing an effect into existence, taking an effect out of existence, knowing, or not-knowing. That which is brought into existence, taken out of existence, known, or not-known is called an effect.

Thus life, in all its manifestations, is causative.
Causation is the common denominator of all life impulses.
Causation is achieved by postulates. A postulate is a causative consideration. A consideration is defined as a thought, or idea.
Life can believe itself to be an effect, but that belief is itself a causative consideration.

Negative Goals, Non Life Goals.
These are Contra-survival Goals. There are many negative goals in play in the world. Examples: to destroy, to cheat, to revenge, to suppress, to invalidate, to get rid of something, etc.
These goals are not taken up directly in TROM. They are seen as negative forms of life goals. To Destroy, for example, is way to make not-known or the opposite of to Create. Thus this negative goal gets flushed out as part of running to Create, where one runs "to Not Create." "To lose weight" may be a popular goal in our culture, but it is seen as part of the "To Eat" goals package. To try to take up negative goals in the procedure is a futile activity. Running them will
ause deterioration of case, not improvement, they are deadly. They will, according to Dennis Stephens, run forever but with negative therapeutic effect.

Life Goal Test: there are different criteria a goal shall meet to be a life goal, a runnable goal. It should be a simple statement, such as a single verb. "To become an architect" may be someone's goal but the life goal that would correspond to that would be something like "to create" or "to build."
Also: a life goal should ultimately be contained in the To Know goals package
Also, a life goal needs to be workable goal on both outflow and inflow.
Note!! How about To Eat - to be Eaten??

Workable Life Goal: The TROM manual states that one should focus on the To Know goals package as much as possible. The rationale is, that all other Life Goals are contained in this package. We find that a more workable way to start out, is to take up the goals and games that the person is engaged in. The person is stuck in them out of necessity or out of addiction and obsession. They consume the bulk of his attention and interest. An experimental list would include these 12 goals:
to be happy, to make money, to have sex, to find love, to be famous, to be popular, to be powerful, to be rich, to be healthy, to go free (to be saved), to explore (life), to seek fun and pleasure.

Identitiy: This is a package of traits that make up a certain way of being of a person. Any person has besides his/her main identity (such as profession and an agreed upon personality) a long seires of junior identies that come into play in special situations. 
We have formed each of these identities as a special solution to a life situation, a life problem. The identity is a way to make the solution to that situation stick. The most basic solutions a Being operates on are the llife goals. By addressing and releasing the junior identities and thus the solutions and goals they are operating on, we enable the Being to be more flexible and self-determined in general behavior.
An identity can be seen as being compsed of thought patterns, emotional patterns--and habits or action patterns. the latter we call Effort or Energy.
So we have thought, emotion and effort as a simple formular of what makes up an identity.

Hirachy of Life Goals: We have a hierachy of goals. It can be seen as a ball; imagine a ball of yarn or an onion compose of layers. 
The way to take it apart is to handle the accessible layers one by one. The most accessible, and the layer that produces the most runnable incidents for starters is what we call Workable Lifew Goals. The list is not set in stone, but taking the list of goals per May 16, 2014 is a way to get started. Maybe one should include a list of body goals. Next layer would be more abstract, consisting of  abilities and concepts like
to know, to help, to control, to communicate, to listen, to learn, to love, to admire, to confront, to own, to have, to survive, to thrive, to be happy, to reason, to think, to feel, to watch, to work, to act, to create, to build, to beautify, to grow (plants), to eat, to drink, to sex, to give, to receive, to support, to be supported,  to judge, to evaluate, to organize, to make money, to defend, to heal, to dream, to charm, to please, to worship.
Finally one could work To Know. It would be a short list of synonyms of "to know."

Body Life Goals: Goals that pertain to bodily life. These are biological goals that rule the animal kingdom. Many of them are shared with you as a spiritual Being. The list would include: to survive, to eat, to drink, to defend, to hunt, to have sex, to breathe, to rear (ones progeny), to mother, to father, to protect, to seek food, to see, to listen, to taste, to feel, to smell. to crave, to digest, to breathe, to control, to play, to sleep

It could be classified as: 1) body goals, 2) activity goals, 3) ability goals, 4) knowingness goals.

Areas of Goals: Another way to get started is to use areas that are mostly addressed in therapy. Each area will have a set of life goals one can assess and process to bring about improvement or resolution in the area. Here is a "Top 10" of areas:  Relationships, work, family life, love life, social life, study, health,  traumatic incidents, addictions to drugs, etc., spiritual freedom.
Other topics: lose weight, relationship with body, problems, stress, depression, communication, past upsets, fixed conditions in life, obsessions, compulsions, nervousness,

Student: the one that receives the service. He/she is called student rather than client as the goal of Scope is to enhance the person rather than cure him or her from anything. Also, Scope is often delivered in a non-professional setting where two students take turns as respectively clearer and student. So there is no professional client-practitioner relationship taking place.
Synonyms: client, preclear, viewer, processee, patient, etc.

Clearer: the person that performs the clearing. The practitioner of Scope of Life.
Synonyms: practitioner, therapist, facilitator, life coach, etc.

Clearing: the action of applying Scope to a student. Performance of the therapy.
Synonyms: therapy, auditing, processing, viewing, etc.

Application: a routine used in clearing. It typically consists of certain steps administered by the clearer to the student. An application has steps the clearer gets the student to do and a well-defined end point, the desired end-result.
Synonyms: process, technique, auditing routine, etc.

Charge: disturbing or harmful mental energy. Charge is electrical in nature as it is generated between two poles--like between the plus and minus pole on an electrical battery.
Any goal or intention held by the Being generates energy. This is generated between the Being and the postulated goal. If the Being loses track of these postulated goals without nullifying or neutralizing them this energy may turn into stress, disturbing energy and charge. As long as the Being is in control, we are not talking about charge.
What we mainly encounter in Scope is charge generated by two Beings in some sort of conflict. Unresolved conflicts of the past is a major source of charge.
Synonyms: emotional charge, stress, disturbance.

Duplication: this is the core activity of clearing. By recognizing the exact sources of charge and perceiving them fully for what they are, one is duplicating these sources and can undo them.
All the techniques of Scope of Life are designed to guide the student to locate these sources of charge and to duplicate them. It is important to clearing that the clearer do not interfere with the student's endeavors to duplicate. The clearer guides skillfully the student to the sources; but it is the student's ability to recognize and duplicate the original sources that has the therapeutic effect. 
Synonyms: confronting, as-is-ing, recognizing the source of, viewing, permeation.

Permeation is the ultimate in duplicating. Permeation takes place when the student can fully be or recreate something, like a scene, an identity, an opponent, etc. When the student can fully be an opponent character, for instance, he can create, neutralize and uncreate this character at will and is no longer the adverse effect of that character.
Synonyms: total confront, as-is-ing, being the source of something, recreating.

Assessing for Level 3. There are a number of methods to find incidents to run with uScope. Obviously, present time disturbances and conflicts is the first method to consider. One can also use questionnaires and interviews to map out the student's life for charged incidents and relationships. One can take up themes and disabilities and find charged incidents related to that. One can look at periods of the student's life where things were stressful and difficult. One way to find material, once the obvious incidents are taken care of, is to do lock scanning where sections of the student's life is gone through with a fine tooth comb and any old material that is still charged is taken up with clearing.

Classes of Overwhelm
Level 4 is built around this classification of overwhelms

1. Forced to know
Self being forced by another to [know] something or someone
2. Preventing from being known

Self preventing something or someone from being [known] by another
3. Prevented from knowing
Self being prevented by another from [knowing] something or someone

4. Forcing to be known
Self forcing another to make something or someone [known]

5. Forced to be known
Self being forced by another to make something or someone [known]

6. Preventing from knowing
Self preventing another from [knowing] something or someone
7. Prevented from being known
Self being prevented by something or someone from being [known] by another

8. Forcing to know
Self forcing another to [know] something or someone

The [know] bracket can be replaced with a life goal.

The classes can be paired up two and two. Example:

1. Forced to know
Self being forced by another to [know] something or someone
8. Forcing to know
Self forcing another to [know] something or someone

Here (1) "forced to know" is inflow. The person is being overwhelmed by another.
(8) "forcing to know" is outflow. The person is overwhelming another.

Both flows mark the end point of a game. "Forced to know" (or forced to... any goal) is a loss. The person has lost his/her freedom of choice and his/her willingness to play. He/she has taken the position of the loser of the game.
Forcing to know (or forcing to... any goal) is the winner the moment the opponent reaches the overwhelm of "forced to know."

We use these pairs as our entrance point in running overwhelms of goals.
We run the one side the person has most charge on. Then the other side to balance out the flows.

Pair 1
1. Forced to know
Self being forced by another to [know] something or someone
8. Forcing to know
Self forcing another to [know] something or someone

Pair 2
2. Preventing from being known

Self preventing something or someone from being [known] by another
7. Prevented from being known
Self being prevented by something or someone from being [known] by another

Pair 3
3. Prevented from knowing
Self being prevented by another from [knowing] something or someone
6. Preventing from knowing

Self preventing another from [knowing] something or someone

Pair 4
4. Forcing to be known
Self forcing another to make something or someone [known]
5. Forced to be known
Self being forced by another to make something or someone [known]


Stable Cause Processing
2008 Working title of what is now Deep Character Clearing

The processing we are presenting, is now officially
called 'S.C.O.P.E.' It stands for 'Stable Cause Obtainment by
Polarity Elimination'. While being developed we used the working
title 'States of Mind'. The idea here, was that each ID we addressed,
is in one state of mind that is in conflict with another ID with its
different state of mind. In other words, State of Mind = Identity.
Now we have settled on the name S.C.O.P.E. because it tells us where
we want to go and how we will get there. The word Scope by itself,
according to the dictionary, is also relevant. It comes from Italian
Scopo which means 'goal' or 'purpose'. It can be traced back to
Greek 'Skeptesthai', which means to view, to look at. In English this
could translate into 'viewpoint'. Since we are addressing stuck
viewpoints (IDs) and their goals, 'Scope' is a nice fit all by itself.