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Level 4 Assessment

1. Tell the client (also referred to as the person or student);

"We are going to assess a list of goals. I want you to briefly comment on each. Just express your first thought or reaction to the goal."

2. "When you have expressed your thoughts and reaction, I also want you to give each goal a number value to determine which one is the most charged and interesting to you and should be taken up first.
We use a scale from 0-10. 0 means there is no charge or bad experiences connected with it. 10 means it is very charged and bothers you often or all the time. The 1-9 are the steps in between the extremes."

3. You assess the list and note down the person's comments and emotional reactions.
4. Once you are through the list, you tell the person: "I have the goal "to XYZ" as the most charged, does that seem correct to you?"

Note: You may have several goals with the same rating. In this case you ask the person which one seems the most charged.
If the person can't tell for sure, take the one that would have more experience connected to it. It could be a goal that alligns with the person's profession, a relationship or long interest. It would be the goal with the most experience connected to it.
Since you eventually will take up all the goals that are charged the order is not cruxial. You may simply inform the person that all charged goals will be taken up, one after the other.
* You can also simply ask the person which of these goals (with the same highest number) seems more interesting to work on.

The basic goals listed in the TROM materials

"We are going through the list of basic goals to find the most charged and interesting one to work on first."

to Know, to Love, to Admire, to Enhance, to Help, to Feel, to Control, to Own, to Have, to Free, to Eat, to Sex (as a verb = to have sex), to Reason, to See, to Hear, to Touch, to Smell, to Taste.

Basic list with two sides listed (receiving/giving or opposites)

to Know, to not know, to Love, to be loved, to Admire, to be admired, to Enhance something, to be enhanced, to Help, to be helped, to Feel, to be felt, to Control, to be controlled, to Own, to be owned, to Have, to not have, to Free something, to be freed, to Eat, to be eaten, (to Sex (as a verb = to have sex), to pursue sex, to be pursued sexually, to Reason, to not reason, to See, to be seen, to Hear, to be heard, to Touch, to be touched, to Smell, to be smelt, to Taste, to be tasted.

(There are simply 2 questions per goal to catch the charged goals. A person may have the goal to be admired, while the other side, to admire others seems of little interest. You simply take up the side that seems most relevant and of interest to the person.)

Here is an experimental list of goals. The intent is to make a relative short list that covers the basics. Once that is handled, a longer list can be used as to cover all possible aspects of the case. But remember, it does more good to spend the bulk of the time on a few central goals of the case than trying to cover all aspects and do a brush off job on each of the many goals.

to know, to help, to control, to communicate, to listen, to learn, to love, to admire, to confront, to own, to have, to survive, to thrive, to be happy, to reason, to think, to feel, to watch, to work, to act, to create, to build, to beautify, to grow (plants), to eat, to drink, to sex, to give, to receive, to support, to be supported,  to judge, to evaluate, to organize, to make money, to defend, to heal, to dream, to charm, to please, to worship.

Note: One can also tailor make a list to a specific person. It would be based on the person's current and past professions and main interests and activities in life. There may also be known buttons or weaknesses in the person that would fit certain goals and purposes.
 One would make a more detailed list covering the specific areas around the person's track record. Of course, if the practitioner has an intimate knowledge of the person's case, he may be able to assess a shortlist of goals and buttons.

5. Once a goal is found, discuss the goal briefly as to have the person define it in his/her own words. Then ask the person, "what would be the best wording for you of that goal?"
(make sure the person stays with the same life goal and doesn't make it too narrow in time and place.)

6, Then the next step is to go to the Classes of Overwhelms and find which type of overwhelm it is active on.
     Go to section 2



Here is a long list, and we will even make it longer. The idea is, that the person reads it through and finds something that catches his/her interest and then handles it solo.

to know
to create, to Love, to Admire, to Enhance, to Help, to Feel, to Control, to Own, to Have, to Eat, to Sex (as a verb = to have sex), to Reason, to See, to Hear, to Touch, to Smell, to Taste. to study
to inflow
to move, to rest, to travel, to fly, to sail, to drive, to walk, to run, to transport, to dominate, to comply, to follow, to charm, to survive, to be liked (to please), to thrive, to shine, to be invisible, to comfort, to guide, to lead, to respect, to worship, to praise, to assist, to subject, to exercise, to write, to speak, to sing, to play (music), to record, to judge, to evaluate, to confront, to convince, to heal, to dream, to organize, to handle, to clean, to design, to defend, to promote,

To Promise, To Connect, To Accept, To Allow, To Prioritize, To Tolerate, To Impress, To Function. To fondle, To Sense, To As-Is, To Warm, To Treat, To Reach, To Exchange.



Goals usable on level 4 are not necessarily valid for level 5
May 24: 188 goals and counting

Alphabetical Sorting of Goals

A: to agree
to acquire
to administer
to analyze
to admire
to assist
To accept
to allow
to as-Is
to act
B: to breathe
to beautify
to build
to breastfeed
to befriend
to bond
to band together
to barter
to buy
C: to control
to communicate

to counsel
to console
to correct
to consolidate
to convince
to calculate
to create
to comply,
to charm
to comfort
to confront
to convince
to clean
to connect
to crave
to compete
to court (courtship)
to celebrate
to cooperate
D: to digest
to desire
to defend
to drive
to dream
to design
to drink
E: to explore (life)
to earn
to educate
to enhance
to eat
to exchange

to evaluate
to endure
to exchange
to energize
F: to seek fun and pleasure,
to go free (to be saved)
to be famous
to feel
to fly
to follow
to function
to fondle,
to free
to be free
to father
to seek food
to feed (others)
to flirt
G: to grow (plants, etc.)
to grow (own body)
to grow up
to glorify
to guide
to give
H: to be healthy
to be happy
to help
to have
to hear
to heal
 to handle
to have
to hunt
I: to inform
to invent
to inflow
to impress
to introduce
to induce
to intuit

J: to judge K: to know L: to find love
to love
to lecture
to listen
to like
to learn

to be liked (to please)
to lead
to listen
to locate
M: to make money
to moralize
to maintain
to move
to mother
N: to need
to negotiate
O:  to own
to organize
P: to seek fun and pleasure
to be powerful
to play (games)
to play (music)
to purify
to present
to protect
to preserve
to promote
to ponder
to perform
to please
to pamper
to praise
to promote,
to promise
to prioritize
to persist
to party
to produce


Q: to question
to qualify

R: to be rich
to review
to raise (children)
 to rear (ones progeny)
to remember
to reason
 to rest
to run
to respect
 to reach
to receive
to race

S: to have sex
to pursue sex
to speak
to speak in public
to shop
to save (resources)
to serve
to save (beings)
to sell

to smell
 to study
to sail
to survive
to shine
to sense
to see
to support
to sleep
to "score" (sex)
to show

to sing
to satisfy
to socialize
to be sane
to surprise
T:  to touch
to think
to taste
to travel
to transport
to thrive
to tolerate
to treat
to take
to tutor
to trade
U: to understand
to unite
V: to voice
to vote
to be visible
  X, Y, Z:

Areas of Goals:

It could be classified as: 1) body goals, 2) activity goals, 3) ability goals, 4) knowingness goals.

 Another way to get started is to use areas that are mostly addressed in therapy. Each area will have a set of life goals one can assess and process to bring about improvement or resolution in the area. Here is a "Top 10" of areas:  Relationships, work, family life, love life, social life, study, health,  traumatic incidents, addictions to drugs, etc., spiritual freedom.
Other topics: lose weight, relationship with body, problems, stress, depression, communication, past upsets, fixed conditions in life, obsessions, compulsions, nervousness,