To be known= creating an effect. To bring into existence.
to know= experience the effect already brought into existence.
to not be known= dont create the effect. (games strat lecture: not covert op)
to not know=dont experience the effect.

Must be known=create, outflow
Must know=curiosity, interest
Must not know=resist
Must not be known= withhold, hold back.











Must Know
(forced to receive,
Cannot help but recive.)
Self: "I must receive that"
"I have to do as he says"
"I am wrong, he is right"
"He knows - I follow"




Must be Known
Other: This Must Be Known (express)
"Do as I say"
"Do as I do"
"I will force you into obedience"
"This is the eternal truth"
"This has to be known all over"
"This is what I expect from you"


 Overwhelmed into Compliance

Motivator Overwhelmed Forced to Know



Mustn’t Know (deny)
Self: "I will not accept that"
"I have a different opinion"
"I'll do it my way"
"I will show him who is in charge"
"I just didn't hear that"
"I will do as I please"
"I will do the opposite"

Must be Known
Other: This Must Be Known (express)
"Do as I say"
"Do as I do"
"I will force you into obedience"
"This is the eternal truth"
"This has to be known all over"
"This is what I expect from you"


The Resistance Game

Game Game Game


Mustn’t Know  (resist)
"I will not listen"
"I refuse to receive that"
"I reject that completely."



Must Be Known (express)
I want you to know  this!





Mustn’t Know  (resist)



Mustn’t be Known
I agree - won't have it



Preventing from being Known



Mustn’t Know  (deny)

Mustn’t be Known (resist)




Prevented from Knowing



Must Know (forced to receive)

Mustn’t be Known (resist)






Must Know (forced to receive)



Mustn’t be Known





Must Know (forced to receive)



Must Be Known (express)



Forcing to be Known



Must Be Known (express)

Must Know (forced to receive)




Forced to be Known



Mustn’t be Known

Must Know (forced to receive)






Mustn’t be Known (resist)



Must Know  (forced to receive)





Mustn’t be Known (resist)



Mustn’t Know  (deny)



Preventing from Knowing



Mustn’t be Known

Mustn’t Know (deny)




Prevented from being Known



Must Be Known (express)

Mustn’t Know (deny)






Must Be Known (express)



Mustn’t Know  (deny)





Must Be Known (express)



Must Know  (forced to receive)



Forcing to Know

Note: The Time Track runs from 8b to 1a. You work from 1a to 8b, around and around.

The following is a list of questions built up around the Games Potarity Matrix Chart
(GPM Chart). Once an incident is spotted, it is run with an appropriate technique,
such as Alt-4.

The questions can be used as they are, running the basic "to Know" goals package; or one can prefix it with a subject, person or item (a so-called junior universe). Prefixing the questions with a junior universe is in TROM called Level 5c.
An example of  a Level 5c question would be:  "Regarding a group or 3D subject.....".  "Regarding your workplace, has s/o forced s/t onto you and you had to receive it."

 Note: [ ...] means: one can insert a specific subject insted of "something" or the like.

Line 1a. (-8b) Overwhelm of self: Forced to know
Other Orig: He/she runs a 'This must be known to you' postulate on you.    
Self Response: You give in with a 'I've got to know that' postulate.  (Got to know/Must know.)
1.of s/o forcing [s/t]  onto you and you have to receive it.
2. of s/o insisting that you do a certain action and you have to comply.
3.   of s/o naging or badgering you to do s/t and finally you have to give in.
4.  of a salesman or recuiter working you over so throughly so you have to buy or join.
5. of s/o insisting on their way of understanding or doing things and you have to accept it as the right way.
6. of s/o thereatening or forcing you into compliance.
7. of an authotity figure scared you into doing s/t you hating to do.
8. of an authority figure being so impressive so you just copy what he/she does.
9. of s/o forcing you to follow rules you find irrational, unethical or plainly wrong.
10. of s/o threatening you with "God's punishment" if you don't behave, and you have to give in.
11. of s/o cohersing or blackmailing you into getting it their way.
12. of s/o putting you in a position where you have to admit that you were utterly wrong.
13. of s/o delivering a knock out blow to your convictions or position.
14. of s/o demoting you or dismissing you and you have to leave.
15. of s/o passing a ruling or judgement against you and you are being wiped out.
16. of s/o defeating you in battle and you become their prisoner, servant or subject.
17. of s/o torturing ór blasting you into compliance or cooperation.
18. of s/o breaking off a romantic relationship with you and you can't do anything but accept the fact.

Run uScope or similar on each incident showing up.
You use the same question repeatedly to find new incidents. You run all the incidents that show up until the question itself is null.
Once the question is null with VGIs, you go onto the next question.

Line 1b. (-8a) Ploarity. Other Orig: Must be known><Self Receipt: Must not know. (opposite polarity of 8a)
Other Orig: He/she runs a 'This must be known to you' postulate on you.
Self Response: You resist with a 'I will not know that' postulate (Must not know)
1.of s/o forcing s/t onto you and you are protesting or resisting it.
2. of s/o insisting that you do a certain action but you are refusing to comply.
3. of s/o insisting on their way of understanding or doing things and you insist they are wrong.
4. of s/o trying to thereaten or force you into compliance and you rebel.
5. of an authotity figure trying to scare you into doing s/t you were wildly against.
6. of s/o trying to force you to follow stupid rules and you refuse.
7. of s/o threatening you with "God's punishment" if you don't behave and you deciding to be bad.
8. of s/o trying to coherse or blackmail you into getting it their way but you get back at them.
9. of s/o trying to make you utterly wrong but you are insisting you are right.
10. of s/o trying to deliver a knock out blow to your convictions or position but you just hang in there.
11. of s/o demoting you or dismissing you but you are refusing to leave or start a riot.
12. of s/o passing a ruling or judgement against you and you decide to pay them back.
13. of s/o defeating you in battle but you decide that is not the last they will get from you.
14. of s/o insisting they are right about s/t but you disagree and insist that you are right.

Line 2a. (-7b) Polarity. Self Orig: Must not know>< Other Receipt: Must be known  (tractor beam) (the natural flow seems to go from Receipt to Orig..)
Self Orig: You run a 'You must not know that' postulate on the other.
Other Response: He/she insists with a 'It must be known to me' postulate.  (yes, but... I still think that...)
(You could have a sit where Self is the strong part. Other is still not giving up but insists weakly or covertly.)
1. s/o pointing out an error or mistake of yours and you refusing to accept it.
2. You blasting (attacking) a person who is critisizing you.
3. you insisting on doing it your way while the other person is trying to explain a new or better way.
4. you are conviced of the truth of the old ways and beliefs while this radical thinker insists he/she knew a better way.
5.  you just go forward on a risky project regardless of all the advice and warnings against it.
6. of s/o say you are wrong about something but you say that they are wrong.
7. of s/o trying to force you into obedience but you are fighting back.

Line 2b. (-7a) Overwhelm of others: Preventing from being known
Self Orig: You run a 'You must not know' postulate on another. ("This shouldn't come out. It is none of your business!")
Other Response: He/she gives in, "Ok! I've got to not make it known." (Must not be known)
1. s/o wanting to tell you something and you told them to shut up and they did.
2. s/o had a better idea or suggestion than yours but you made sure it didn't get known and they gave up.
3. s/o wanting to show you something new but you cut them off and ignoring it and they stopped.
4. s/o wanting to change things around for the better but you ignoring it and said it was unwanting and they got upset and left.
5. s/o had made or creating s/t but you deciding you would never admire or acknowledge it.
6. s/o sent you a message and you just ignoring it and never answering and they went into apathy about it.

Line 3a. (-6b) Overwhelm of self: Prevented from knowing
Other Orig: He/she runs a 'This must not be known' postuilate on you. ("This shouldn't come out. It is a secret. It's none of your business")
Self Response: You give in with a 'I have got to not know' postulate.  ("Ok! it's none of my business. I won't tell anybody.")
1. s/o told you to not ask into s/t and you shut up.
2. s/o wouldn't share some knowledge with you and you gave up.
3. you wanting to enter s/o's territory but he/she scaring you away.
4. you trying to pressure s/o into telling you s/t but finally deciding it was impossible.
5. you almost found out s/o's secret but was severely punished.
6. you trying to overcome an enemy in battle or conquer s/t but you were killed.

Line 3b. (-6a) Polarity. Other Orig: Must not be known>< Self Receipt: Must know.
Other Orig: He/she runs a 'This must not be known' postulate on you. ('This is none of your business.')
Self Response: You insist with a 'I've got to know' postulate.  ('I got to know that.')
1. s/o held back vital information but you kept wanting it.
2. s/o wouldn't give you something you desperately needing but you kept wanting it.
3. s/o had the means or money you needing but you were too afraid to ask but you kept thinking of it.
4. you kept investigating a mystery but you met a wall of silence of people who knew s/t.
5. s/o knew all the answers to s/t important to you but gave short or misleading answers. Yet you kept wanting it..
6. s/o wouldn't tell you what it was all about but you trying to find out on your own.

Line 4a. (-5b) Polarity. Self Orig: Must know><Other receipt: Must not be known. 
Self Orig: You run a 'I must know' postulate on another. ("I've got to find out about your affairs!")
Other Response: He/she rejects with a it 'This must not be known' postulate. ("No, no, this should not come out. It is none of your business")
1. you kept investigating a mystery but you met a wall of silence of people who knew s/t.
2. s/o knew all the answers to s/t important to you but gave short or misleading answers. Yet you kept pursuing it.
3. s/o wouldn't tell you what it was all about but you insisting and it ending in a fight.
4. s/o held back vital information and you kept insisting on getting it.
5. s/o had the means or money you needing and but you kept asking for it.
6. s/o wouldn't give you something you desperately needing but you kept insisting.

Line 4b. (-5a) Overwhelm of others: Forcing to be known
Self Orig: You run a 'I must know' on another.
Other Response: He/she gives in, "I have got to make it known.'  ("Ok! I cannot help but making it known." (Must be known/ Cannot help but make known))
1. you forcing s/o to tell it all and they felt compelling to do so.
2. you threatening or forcing s/o to pay what they owing and they unwillingly did so.
3. you bulliing s/o to give you s/t they didn't want to give up.
4. you managing to convince or charm another to lend or give you s/t they would rather have kept for themselves.
5. you imposing yourself on another and due to good manners they couldn't say no.

Line 5a. (-4b) Overwhelm of self: Forced to be known.
Other Orig: He/she runs a 'I must know' postulate on you.
Self Response: You give in with a 'It's got to be made known' postulate.
1. s/o forcing you to tell it all.
2. s/o took s/t from you and you were helpless.
3. s/o stole something from you and you didn'y know who it was.
4. s/o revealing your secrets or private data in public and you could do nothing about it.
5. s/o had evidence against you and there was no way you could deny facts.

Line 5b. (-4a) Polarity. Others Orig: Must know>< Self Receipt: Mustn't be known
Other Orig: He/she runs a 'I must know' postulate on you.     
Self Response: You reject with a 'It must not be known to you' postulate.
1. s/o said: give it to me and you answered: I will not.
2. s/o demanding you to come clean but you refusing to say anything or cooperate.
3. s/o wanting money or work from you but you refusing or excusing yourself.
4. s/o wanting your support or backup but you wouldn't give it to them.
5. s/o wanting you to perform or show your skills but you refusing to Line forward.
6. s/o wanting you to show your home or private things but you were firm in denying them that.

Line 6a. (-3b) Polarity. Self Orig: Must not be known><Other Receipt: Must know
Self Orig: You run a 'It must not be known' postulate on another.
Other Response: He/she insists, with a 'I must know' postulate.
(Self has a secret that Other suspects. Like a nosy reporter looking for a scandal or hidden story about you.)
1. You shall not see or have my knowledge/creation><I want your knowledge/creation.
2. You withheld some creative work of yours from s/o who really wanting to see it.
3. You knew exactly how you would tackle a situation or problem but you held it back from s/o who really needing it.
4. you were offerering a job or position you are really suited for but you deciding to withstand the pressure from the recruiter.
5. You were offering a volunteer position or task but deciding to withstand the pressure.
6. You had your own views of existential problems and an authority demanding you to confess but you refused.
7. You had vital information for an enemy but you withstood the enemy's ruthless interrogation.
8. You gave the enemy false information in order to protect the true information from being known.

Line 6b. (-3a) Overwhelm of others: Preventing from knowing
Self Orig: You run a 'It must not be known' postulate on another.    
Other Response: He/she gives in with a ''I have not got to know' postulate.
1. You shall not see or have my knowledge/creation><I give up
2. You withheld some creative work of yours from s/o who couldn't afford it.
3. You knew  how to deal with a situation or problem but you held it back from s/o who couldn't give anything in return.
4. you were offerering a job or position you were really suited for but they gave up on you for various reasons.
5. You were offering a volunteer position or task but they didn't persit so you got off.
6. You had your own views of existential problems and an authority asking you to confess but gave up.
7. You withheld your own controversial opinions about s/t but you succeeding in keeping them from a/o
8. you had a strong hand (like in cards) that you kept for yourself and the opponent gave up and lost.
9. You withheld vital information from an enemy but the enemy had to let you go for other reasons.
10. You withheld explosive and classified information about a project and no one would touch it.

Line 7a. (-2b) Overwhelm of self: Prevented from being known
Other Orig: He/she runs a 'You must not know' postulate on you.      
Self Response: You give in with a 'It's got not to be known' postulate.
1.s/o said "you must not know" and you took it "I must not know."
2. s/o said "you are no good" and you took that in and view yourslf as no good. 
3. s/o wouldn't give you some knowledge they had and you accepting that blindly.
4. s/o had classified data they wouldn't share and you said to yourself "I am not ready or worthy of that."
5. s/o said you are not old enough or ready for this and you said "I will simply have to wait."
6. s/o wouldn't give you a position or job and you said to yourself "I am not good enough."
7. s/o inspecting your creation or product and said it was no good and you said to yourself "oh, it's no good; I am a failure."

Line 7b. (-2a) Polarity. Others orig: Must not be known><Self receipt: Must be known
Other Orig: He/she runs a 'It must not be known' postulate on you.
Self Response: You insist with a 'It must be known' postulate.

1. s/o said they were not interested in your creations but you said you would show them anyway.
2. s/o said they were not interested in you but you still trying to convince them otherwise.
3. s/o wouldn't hire you to a job or position but you kept pushing to get the job.
4. s/o wouldn't buy your goods or services but you didn't take "no" for an answer and kept pushing.
5. a woman/man rejecting you romantically but you kept pursuing her/him.
6. s/o would not participate in your game but you kept nagging them to join.
7. s/o says they are not interested in your opinion or viewpoint, but you insist on letting them know.

Line 8a. (-1b) Ploarity. Self Orig: Must be known><Other Receipt: Must not know. (opposite polarity of 1b)

Self Orig: You run a 'It must be known' postulate on another.  
Other Response: The Other resists with a 'You must not know' postulate. 
1.of you forcing s/t onto s/o and he/she resists it.
2. of you insisting that s/o does a certain action and he/she refuses to comply.
3. of you insisting on your way of understanding or doing things and the other plainly disagrees.
4. of you trying to thereaten or force s/o into compliance and the other rebels.
5. of you as an authotity figure trying to scare another into doing s/t and the other protests it.
6. of you trying to force another to follow rules the other finds irrational or unethical and the other just ignores the rules.
7. of you threatening s/o with "God's punishment" if he/she doesn't behave but the other decides to be bad.
8. of you trying to coherse or blackmail a/o into getting it your way but the other doesn't budge.
9. of you trying to make s/o utterly wrong but he/she insists that they are right.
10. of you trying to deliver a knock out blow to a/o's convictions or position but the other just hangs in there.
11. of you demoting or dismissing s/o but the other refuses to leave.
12. of you passing a ruling or judgement against s/o and he/she decides to pay you back.
13. of you punishing a/o and he/she pays you back.
14. of you attacking another but he/she is ready and attacks you back.
15. of you presenting s/t controversial and you get punished for it.
16. of you declaring what you believe in and you get arrested and severely punishe for it.
17. of you saying your honest opinion and it is getting you into a lot of trouble.

Line 8b. (-1a) Overwhelm of other: Forcing to know  (opposite polarity of 1a)
Self Orig: You run a 'It must be known' postulate on another.
Other Response: He/she gives in with a 'I got to know that' postulate. 
1.of you forcing s/t onto s/o and they had to receive it.
2. of you insisting that s/o did a certain action and they had to comply.
3. of you insisting on your way of understanding or doing things and a/o had to accept it as the right way.
4. of you thereatening or forcing s/o into compliance.
5. of you as an authotity figure scaring another into doing s/t they didn't really want to do.
6. of you as an authority figure been so impressive so a/o just copiing what you did.
7. of you forcing a/o to follow rules he/she found irrational or unethical.
8. of youi threatening s/o with "God's punishment" if they didn't behave.
9. of you cohersing or blackmailing s/o into getting it your way.
10. of you put s/o in a position where they had to admit that they were utterly wrong.
11. of you delivering a knock out blow to s/o's convictions or position.
12. of you demoting s/o or dismissing s/o and they had to leave.
13. of you passing a ruling or judgement against s/o and they were wiped out.
      of you broken off a romantic relationship with s/o and he/she couldn't do anything but accept the fact.


8B. SO - Here is my creation or knowledge which you
will know.

8B. OR - OK, I will know that which you desire me to know ( knowledge or creation ) 
Other Origin/Self Receipt

Other Orig: He/she runs on you      
Self Response: You respond

Self Origin/ Other Receipt

Self Orig: You run on another    
Other Response: The Other Response   


Questions Opposite flow questions
Line 1a. (-8b) Overwhelm of self: Forced to know
Other Orig: He/she runs a 'This must be known to you' postulate on you.    
Self Response: You give in with a 'I've got to know that' postulate.  (Got to know/Must know.)
1.of s/o forcing [s/t]  onto you and you have to receive it.
2. of s/o insisting that you do a certain action and you have to comply.
3.   of s/o naging or badgering you to do s/t and finally you have to give in.
4.  of a salesman or recuiter working you over so throughly so you have to buy or join.
5. of s/o insisting on their way of understanding or doing things and you have to accept it as the right way.
6. of s/o thereatening or forcing you into compliance.
7. of an authotity figure scared you into doing s/t you hating to do.
8. of an authority figure being so impressive so you just copy what he/she does.
9. of s/o forcing you to follow rules you find irrational, unethical or plainly wrong.
10. of s/o threatening you with "God's punishment" if you don't behave, and you have to give in.
11. of s/o cohersing or blackmailing you into getting it their way.
12. of s/o putting you in a position where you have to admit that you were utterly wrong.
13. of s/o delivering a knock out blow to your convictions or position.
14. of s/o demoting you or dismissing you and you have to leave.
15. of s/o passing a ruling or judgement against you and you are being wiped out.
16. of s/o defeating you in battle and you become their prisoner, servant or subject.
17. of s/o torturing ór blasting you into compliance or cooperation.
18. of s/o breaking off a romantic relationship with you and you can't do anything but accept the fact.
Line 8b. (-1a) Overwhelm of other: Forcing to know  (opposite polarity of 1a)
Self Orig: You run a 'It must be known' postulate on another.
Other Response: He/she gives in with a 'I got to know that' postulate. 
*1.of you forcing s/t onto s/o and they had to receive it.
*2. of you insisting that s/o did a certain action and they had to comply.
 *3. of you naging or badgering s/o to do s/t and finally he/she has to give in.
 *4.  of you as a salesman or recuiter working s/o over so throughly so he/she has to buy or join.
*5. of you insisting on your way of understanding or doing things and a/o had to accept it as the right way.
*6. of you thereatening or forcing s/o into compliance.
*7. of you as an authotity figure scaring another into doing s/t they didn't really want to do.
*8. of you as an authority figure been so impressive so a/o just copiing what you did.
*9. of you forcing a/o to follow rules he/she found irrational or unethical.
*10. of youi threatening s/o with "God's punishment" if they didn't behave.
*11. of you cohersing or blackmailing s/o into getting it your way.
*12. of you put s/o in a position where they had to admit that they were utterly wrong.
*13. of you delivering a knock out blow to s/o's convictions or position.
*14. of you demoting s/o or dismissing s/o and they had to leave.
*15. of you passing a ruling or judgement against s/o and they were wiped out.
*16. of you defeating s/o in battle and he becomes your prisoner, servant or subject.
*17. of you torturing ór blasting s/o into compliance or cooperation.
*18. of you breaking off a romantic relationship with s/o and he/she can't do anything but accept the fact.
Line 1b. (-8a) Ploarity. Other Orig: Must be known><Self Receipt: Must not know. (opposite polarity of 8a)
Other Orig: He/she runs a 'This must be known to you' postulate on you.
Self Response: You resist with a 'I will not know that' postulate (Must not know)
*1.of s/o forcing s/t onto you and you are protesting or resisting it.
*2. of s/o insisting that you do a certain action but you are refusing to comply.
*3. of s/o insisting on their way of understanding or doing things and you insist they are wrong.
*4. of s/o trying to thereaten or force you into compliance and you rebel.
*5. of an authotity figure trying to scare you into doing s/t and you protest it.
*6. of s/o trying to force you to follow stupid rules and you refuse.
*7. of s/o threatening you with "God's punishment" if you don't behave and you deciding to be bad.
*8. of s/o trying to coherse or blackmail you into getting it their way but you get back at them.
*9. of s/o trying to make you utterly wrong but you are insisting you are right.
*10. of s/o trying to deliver a knock out blow to your convictions or position but you just hang in there.
*11. of s/o demoting you or dismissing you but you are refusing to leave or start a riot.
*12. of s/o passing a ruling or judgement against you and you decide to pay them back.

*13. of s/o punishing you and you pay them back.
*14. of s/o attacking you but you are ready and attack them back.
*15. of s/o presenting s/t controversial and they get punished for it.
*16. of s/o declaring what they believe in and they get arrested and severely punished for it.
*17. of s/o saying their honest opinion and is getting into a lot of trouble for it.
*18. of s/o bringing some important bad news and they get punished severely ("kill the messenger").
*19. of s/o defeating you in battle but you decide that is not the last they will get from you.
*20. of s/o insisting they are right about s/t but you disagree and insist that you are right.

Line 8a. (-1b) Ploarity. Self Orig: Must be known><Other Receipt: Must not know. (opposite polarity of 1b)

Self Orig: You run a 'It must be known' postulate on another.  
Other Response: The Other resists with a 'You must not know' postulate. 
1.of you forcing s/t onto s/o and he/she is protesting or resisting it.
2. of you insisting that s/o does a certain action and he/she refuses to comply.
3. of you insisting on your way of understanding or doing things and the other insists you are wrong.
4. of you trying to thereaten or force s/o into compliance and the other rebels.
5. of you as an authotity figure trying to scare another into doing s/t and the other protests it.
6. of you trying to force another to follow stupid rules and the other refuses.
7. of you threatening s/o with "God's punishment" if he/she doesn't behave but the other decides to get back at you.
8. of you trying to coherse or blackmail s/o into getting it your way but they get back at you..
9. of you trying to make s/o utterly wrong but he/she insists that they are right.
10. of you trying to deliver a knock out blow to a/o's convictions or position but the other just hangs in there.
11. of you demoting or dismissing s/o but the other refuses to leave.
12. of you passing a ruling or judgement against s/o and he/she decides to pay you back.
13. of you punishing a/o and he/she pays you back.
14. of you attacking another but he/she is ready and attacks you back.
15. of you presenting s/t controversial and you get punished for it.
16. of you declaring what you believe in and you get arrested and severely punished for it.
17. of you saying your honest opinion and is getting into a lot of trouble for it.
18. of you bringing some important bad news and you get punished severely ("kill the messenger").
19. of you defeating s/o in battle but they decide that is not the last you will get from them.
20. of you insisting you are right about s/t but they disagree and insist that they are right.

Line 2a. (-7b) Polarity. Self Orig: Must not know>< Other Receipt: Must be known  (tractor beam) (the natural flow seems to go from Receipt to Orig..)
Self Orig: You run a 'You must not know that' postulate on the other.
Other Response: He/she insists with a 'It must be known to me' postulate.  (yes, but... I still think that...)
(You could have a sit where Self is the strong part. Other is still not giving up but insists weakly or covertly.)
1. s/o pointing out an error or mistake of yours and you refuse to accept it.
2. You blasting (attacking) a person who is critisizing you.
3. you insisting on doing it your way while the other person is trying to explain a new or better way.
4. you are conviced of the truth of the old ways and beliefs while this radical thinker insists he/she knows a better way.
5.  you just go forward on a risky project regardless of all the advice and warnings against it.
6. of s/o saying you are wrong about something but you say that they are wrong.
7. s/o says they will show you their creations but you blast them for bothering you.
8. s/o says they were not interested in you but you are still trying to convince them otherwise.
9. s/o won't hire you to a job or position but you keep pushing to get the job.
10. s/o won't buy your goods or services but you don't take "no" for an answer and keep pushing.
11. a woman/man is rejecting you romantically but you keep pursuing her/him.
12. s/o will not participate in your game but you keep nagging them to join.
13. s/o says they are not interested in your opinion or viewpoint, but you insist on letting them know.


Line 7b. (-2a) Polarity. Others orig: Must not be known><Self receipt: Must be known
Other Orig: He/she runs a 'It must not be known' postulate on you.
Self Response: You insist with a 'It must be known' postulate.

*1. you point out an error or mistake of s/o and they refuse to accept it.
*2. s/o blasting (attacking) a you for critisizing them.
*3. s/o insisting on doing it their way while you are trying to explain a new or better way.
*4. s/o is conviced of the truth of the old ways and beliefs while you as a radical thinker insist you know a better way.
*5.  s/o just go forward on a risky project regardless of all the advice and warnings you have given against it.
*6. of you saying s/o is wrong about something but they say that you are wrong.

7. you say you will show s/o your creations but they bast you for bothering them.
8. you say you were not interested in s/o but he/she is still trying to convince you  otherwise.
9. you won't hire s/o to a job or position but they keep pushing to get the job.
10. you won't buy s/o's goods or services but they don't take "no" for an answer and keep pushing.
11. you are  rejecting s/o romantically but he/she keep pursuing you.
12. you will not participate in s/o's game but they keep nagging you to join.
13. you say you are not interested in s/o's opinion or viewpoint, but they insist on letting you know.


Line 2b. (-7a) Overwhelm of others: Preventing from being known
Self Orig: You run a 'You must not know' postulate on another. ("This shouldn't come out. It is none of your business!")
Other Response: He/she gives in, "Ok! I've got to not make it known." (Must not be known)
**** say "you must not know" and the other takes it in: "I must not know."
*2. you say to s/o "you are no good" and they take that in and view themselves as no good. 
*3. you won't give s/o else some knowledge you have and they accept that blindly.
*4. you have classified data you won't share and they say to themselves "I am not ready or worthy of that."
*5. you say you are not old enough or ready for this and they say "I will simply have to wait."
*6. you won't give s/o a position or job and they say to themselves "I am not good enough."
*7. you inspecting s/o's creation or product and say it is no good and they say to themselves  "oh, it's no good; I am a failure."

8. s/o wanting to tell you something and you told them to shut up and they did.
9. s/o had a better idea or suggestion than yours but you made sure it didn't get known and they gave up.
10. s/o wanting to show you something new but you cut them off and ignoring it and they stopped.
11. s/o wanting to change things around for the better but you ignoring it and said it was unwanting and they got upset and left.
12. s/o had made or creating s/t but you deciding you would never admire or acknowledge it.
13. s/o sent you a message and you just ignoring it and never answering and they went into apathy about it.

Line 7a. (-2b) Overwhelm of self: Prevented from being known
Other Orig: He/she runs a 'You must not know' postulate on you.      
Self Response: You give in with a 'It's got not to be known' postulate.
*1.s/o say "you must not know" and you take it in: "I must not know."
*2. s/o say "you are no good" and you take that in and view yourslf as no good. 
*3. s/o won't give you some knowledge they have and you accept that blindly.
*4. s/o has classified data they won't share and you say to yourself "I am not ready or worthy of that."
*5. s/o say you are not old enough or ready for this and you say "I will simply have to wait."
*6. s/o won't give you a position or job and you say to yourself "I am not good enough."
*7. s/o inspecting your creation or product and say it is no good and you say to yourself "oh, it's no good; I am a failure."

*8. you wanting to tell s/o something and they tell you to shut up and you do.
*9. you have a better idea or suggestion than s/o but they make sure it doesn't get known and you give up.
*10. you wanting to show s/o something new but they cut you off and ignores it and you stop.
*11. you wanting to change things around for the better but the other ignores it and say it is unwanted and you get upset and leave.
*12. you have made or created s/t but they decide they would never admire or acknowledge it.
*13. you send s/o a message and they just ignore it and never answer and you went into apathy about it.

Line 3a. (-6b) Overwhelm of self: Prevented from knowing
Other Orig: He/she runs a 'This must not be known' postuilate on you. ("This shouldn't come out. It is a secret. It's none of your business")
Self Response: You give in with a 'I have got to not know' postulate.  ("Ok! it's none of my business. I won't tell anybody.")

*1. s/o says, you shall not see or have my knowledge or creation and you give up
*2. s/o withholds some creative work of theirs from you who can't afford it.
*3. s/o knows  how to deal with a situation or problem but they hold it back from you who couldn't give anything in return.

*4. s/o is offering to volunteer on a position or task but you don't persit so they get off.
*5. s/o has their own views on existential or religious matters; and you as an authority is demanding them to confess their heresy; they refuse to talk refuse and you give up.
*6. s/o withholds their own controversial opinions about s/t and they are successful in not giving in and revealing them to you, the opponent.
*7. s/o withholds vital information from you as an enemy who demands it from them; but you have to let them go for other reasons.
*8. s/o withholds explosive and classified information about a project and you dare ask them for it.*9. s/o tells you to not ask into s/t and you shut up.
*10. s/o won't share some knowledge with you and you give up.
*11. you wanting to enter s/o's territory but they scare you away.
*12. you try to pressure s/o into telling you s/t but finally decide it is impossible to get them to talk.
*13. you almost find out s/o's secret and you are severely punished by them.
*14. you are trying to overcome an enemy in battle or conquer s/t but you get killed by the enemy.

Line 6b. (-3a) Overwhelm of others: Preventing from knowing
Self Orig: You run a 'It must not be known' postulate on another.    
Other Response: He/she gives in with a ''I have not got to know' postulate.
1. you say, they shall not see or have my knowledge or creation and they give up
2. You withhold some creative work of yours from s/o who can't afford it.
3. You know  how to deal with a situation or problem but you hold it back from s/o who couldn't give anything in return.

4. You are offering to volunteer on a position or task but they don't persit so you get off.
5. You had your own views on existential or religious matters; and an authority is demanding you confess your heresy; you refuse and they give up.
6. You withhold your own controversial opinions about s/t and you are successful in not giving in and revealing them to others.
7. You withhold vital information from an enemy that demands it from you; but the enemy has to let you go for other reasons.
8. You withhold explosive and classified information about a project and no one dare ask you for it.
*9. you tell s/o to not ask into s/t and they shut up.
10. you won't share some knowledge with s/o and they give up.
11. they want to enter your territory but you scare you away.
12. they try to pressure you into telling them s/t but finally decide it is impossible to get you to talk.
13. they almost find out your secret and they are severely punished by you.
14. s/o is trying to overcome you as an enemy in battle or conquer s/t but they get killed by you.


Line 3b. (-6a) Polarity. Other Orig: Must not be known>< Self Receipt: Must know.
Other Orig: He/she runs a 'This must not be known' postulate on you. ('This is none of your business.')
Self Response: You insist with a 'I've got to know' postulate.  ('I got to know that.')
1. s/o held back vital information but you kept wanting it.
2. s/o wouldn't give you something you desperately needing but you kept wanting it.
3. s/o had the means or money you needing but you were too afraid to ask but you kept thinking of it.
4. you kept investigating a mystery but you met a wall of silence of people who knew s/t.
5. s/o knew all the answers to s/t important to you but gave short or misleading answers. Yet you kept wanting it..
6. s/o wouldn't tell you what it was all about but you trying to find out on your own.
Line 6a. (-3b) Polarity. Self Orig: Must not be known><Other Receipt: Must know
Self Orig: You run a 'It must not be known' postulate on another.
Other Response: He/she insists, with a 'I must know' postulate.
(Self has a secret that Other suspects. Like a nosy reporter looking for a scandal or hidden story about you.)
1. You shall not see or have my knowledge/creation><I want your knowledge/creation.
2. You withheld some creative work of yours from s/o who really wanting to see it.
3. You knew exactly how you would tackle a situation or problem but you held it back from s/o who really needing it.
4. you were offerering a job or position you are really suited for but you deciding to withstand the pressure from the recruiter.
5. You were offering a volunteer position or task but deciding to withstand the pressure.
6. You had your own views of existential problems and an authority demanding you to confess but you refused.
7. You had vital information for an enemy but you withstood the enemy's ruthless interrogation.
8. You gave the enemy false information in order to protect the true information from being known.

Line 4a. (-5b) Polarity. Self Orig: Must know><Other receipt: Must not be known. 
Self Orig: You run a 'I must know' postulate on another. ("I've got to find out about your affairs!")
Other Response: He/she rejects with a it 'This must not be known' postulate. ("No, no, this should not come out. It is none of your business")
1. you kept investigating a mystery but you met a wall of silence of people who knew s/t.
2. s/o knew all the answers to s/t important to you but gave short or misleading answers. Yet you kept pursuing it.
3. s/o wouldn't tell you what it was all about but you insisting and it ending in a fight.
4. s/o held back vital information and you kept insisting on getting it.
5. s/o had the means or money you needing and but you kept asking for it.
6. s/o wouldn't give you something you desperately needing but you kept insisting.

Line 5b. (-4a) Polarity. Others Orig: Must know>< Self Receipt: Mustn't be known
Other Orig: He/she runs a 'I must know' postulate on you.     
Self Response: You reject with a 'It must not be known to you' postulate.
1. s/o said: give it to me and you answered: I will not.
2. s/o demanding you to come clean but you refusing to say anything or cooperate.
3. s/o wanting money or work from you but you refusing or excusing yourself.
4. s/o wanting your support or backup but you wouldn't give it to them.
5. s/o wanting you to perform or show your skills but you refusing to Line forward.
6. s/o wanting you to show your home or private things but you were firm in denying them that.
Line 4b. (-5a) Overwhelm of others: Forcing to be known
Self Orig: You run a 'I must know' on another.
Other Response: He/she gives in, "I have got to make it known.'  ("Ok! I cannot help but making it known." (Must be known/ Cannot help but make known))
1. you forcing s/o to tell it all and they felt compelling to do so.
2. you threatening or forcing s/o to pay what they owing and they unwillingly did so.
3. you bulliing s/o to give you s/t they didn't want to give up.
4. you managing to convince or charm another to lend or give you s/t they would rather have kept for themselves.
5. you imposing yourself on another and due to good manners they couldn't say no.

Line 5a. (-4b) Overwhelm of self: Forced to be known.
Other Orig: He/she runs a 'I must know' postulate on you.
Self Response: You give in with a 'It's got to be made known' postulate.
1. s/o forcing you to tell it all.
2. s/o took s/t from you and you were helpless.
3. s/o stole something from you and you didn'y know who it was.
4. s/o revealing your secrets or private data in public and you could do nothing about it.
5. s/o had evidence against you and there was no way you could deny facts.







A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to watch a friend do a demonstration session using Zivorad Slavinski's Aspectika process. There was quite a difference between reading the process on paper and watching it being run on a processee. For one thing I could SEE what was happening in front of me.
Aspectika is goals processing. It runs goals in chains by locating the higher goal which is behind the one being examined, then taking up that higher one, then looking for the one higher than it. This is quite a departure from the Scn line plot. A line plot is horizontal in level, and locating goals in prior times never breaks out of the circle. Aspectika on the other hand looks for higher goals, working upward into absolutes and finally into static itself.
One of my personal discoveries is that the CDEI scale is simply the decay scale of a goal, any goal. I do not recall seeing that fact written anywhere, but if it is, fine. Anyone who might have spotted that first, congratulations! :)
The CDEI scale phenomena is most likely what Buddha was talking about when he spoke of "thirst" and "desire" being a major element of case. Goals decay down this scale until the goal failure is intolerable, at which point the person takes a new goal. This taking on a new goal can be done both horizontally as seen in a line plot, and/or it can be done vertically as witnessed in Aspectika processing.
To refresh any memories, and for reference, here is the expanded CDEI scale as given by Geoffrey Filbert:
not know
Watching the Aspectika session it became very obvious to me that a new, final button would have to be added to the CDEI scale. That final button might not always come after "recriminatory", it might appear higher up. For example, "conjured" could well be the last hallucinatory creation in the very act of beginning a new cycle. The final button appears on the scale at the point where the goal failure is intolerable to the person. The final button of the CDEI scale is:
Substitute ends the current goal by replacing it with a new goal. This button is not only at the bottom of the CDEI scale, it is also at the top above "not know" when working backwards along a chain of goals, or along a single goal working back in time. When a new goal is substituted for the failed old one, the new goal then decays normally from the top at "not know" through "know", "unknown", "curious", etc.
When using this new button in Scn style auditing be wary of simply working it in an attempt to get charge off it. It is more than a charged button; it is the link to a higher or previous goal. So be prepared to go earlier and/or higher when you use it.
A last caution about processing goals: the Scn habit of running goals with terminals, and other physical universe existences described by nouns, is a mistake. Doing so grounds the charge of the associated GPM(s) directly into the thetan, and through the thetan into the body. Goals do not need to be run in this dangerous manner any longer. I won't list the names of casualties here.